Yoga: Union

Really simply yoga is mindful movement with breath designed to bring about a desired change in mental, physical or emotional state. It is steeped in philosophy that piques our curiosity and provide guidance on how to find our most authentic self.

Each class includes asana (postures), pranayma (breathing) and savasana (relaxation) which alleviates tightness and tension, improves strength and flexibility and brings about a feeling of peace and calm.

We create a spaciousness and lightness in body, mind and spirit.




Single Class Pass £9:00

5 Class Pass/ 8 Week £37.50

  • Class pass valid for any class in an 8 week period

  • Please cancel class 7 hours in advance for class pass credit


In Person Timetable








Class Style

7:45pm Ashtanga Half Primary Series (75 mins) *

6:30pm Beginners Yoga

7:45pm Vinyasa Flow

7:00pm Hatha Yoga



Penicuik Art Centre

Beeslack Community High School

Beeslack Community High School

Beeslack Community High School

Class Styles



This class is a great way to explore and discover yoga in a safe and fun environment. It is perfect for complete beginners and those looking to revisit the basics of yoga. You will be taught sun salutations, core standing, seated and inverted yoga postures along with breathing techniques to build strength, mobility, flexibility and resilience. Each class finished with a relaxation which brings about a calm and peaceful state. Remember we are all beginners!



Hatha yoga classes are a blend of traditional and more contemporary styles of yoga suitable for beginners and experience students alike looking to deepen their practice and explore different and fun asana (postures).

Each class will likely include sun salutation variations, and a variety of standing, seated and inverted postures, pranayama (breathing exercises) and a restorative relaxation. Options and variations make this class adaptable and suitable for all.


Ashtanga Half Primary

This class follows the traditional ashtanga primary series sequence and philosophy. The sequence includes sun salutations, standing postures, seated postures and inversions supported by ujjayi breathing (victorious breath), the bandhas (energy locks) and dristi (yogic gaze) to build meditative mind body experience.

You will build heat in this class, stretch deeply into the muscles as well as build full body strength and stamina. Expect to leave feeling pleasantly challenged, energised and connected.


Vinyasa Flow

Join me for this fun dynamic class, set to music and based around the sun salutations series A and B.

We sequence movement and breath, incorporating popular yoga asana to build warmth, flexibility and strength before moving to gentler floor based postures and final relaxation.

You will leave feeling energised and motivated for the week ahead.


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